Balancing Change with “Radical Acceptance”: Getting Unstuck and Moving Forward in Life
by Angie Kingma on January 3rd, 2023
Although at this time of year, many people are talking about trying to make things different, there is actually significant value which exists in accepting reality just as it is.“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I change” ~ Carl RogersAccept myself…as I am??? (yikes!) This is a challenging concept for so many and for others it can feel impossible. Self-criticism ... Read More
How to Prepare Yourself Now for Holiday Season Stress and Anxiety
by Angie Kingma on December 5th, 2022
The holidays are a time of happiness, joy, and celebration. But for many people, they can also be a time of stress and anxiety. If you're already starting to feel overwhelmed this holiday season, don't worry, you’re not alone. There are things that you can do to tap into your inner peace and boost your mood before, during and after the festivities.Where does most holiday stress come from? What can... Read More
Letting Go of Anger and Resentment
by Angie Kingma on November 1st, 2022
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. ~Buddha Letting Go of Anger and ResentmentEveryone has been wronged by someone else at some point in their life. Sometimes, the physical and emotional scars caused by this trauma can begin to feel unbearable. While it can be difficult, letting go of anger and resentment ... Read More
Taking Care of Yourself on World Mental Health Day
by Angie Kingma on October 10th, 2022
One thing we know for sure, is that life is filled with ups and downs. The up times bring happiness, joy and satisfaction, as well as hope that the good times will last as long as possible. Yet, no matter how blessed you are, challenges are part of life. The down times can obscure those feelings of peace and important to... Read More
Self-Care and Addiction Recovery
by Angie Kingma on September 1st, 2022
If you struggle with addiction, there is a focus on reaching out for support, whether that's from a 12-Step Program, online support group, doctor, or therapist. While formal support is an invaluable resource for recovering addicts, good self-care is equally vital... Read More
Anxious Adolescence: Teaching Teens to Manage Stress and Anxiety
by Angie Kingma on August 1st, 2022
the adolescent years can be especially charged with anxiety as teens learn to deal with uncertainty, change and forming their identities. Their lives are full of new challenges and opportunities and these transitions can be stressful, especially around body image, performance, and peer Read More
5 Ways to Support and Improve Your Mental Health This Summer
by Angie Kingma on July 1st, 2022
If you’ve had some extra stress lately, maybe some anxiety or overwhelm, you’re not alone. You might’ve had some low mood symptoms, as it’s not uncommon, even when the weather is warmer. From a mindfulness perspective, all of these mood states and emotions are welcome Read More
7 Signs You Are Overthinking and How It Can Negatively Affect Your Mental Health
by Angie Kingma on June 1st, 2022
If you are one of the many people who finds themselves overthinking things, then it would be helpful to take a pause and slow down, because there's a good chance that you're negatively impacting your Read More
How to Manage Social Anxiety and Increase Confidence
by Angie Kingma on May 1st, 2022
Do you ever feel awkward in social situations? If so, you’re not alone! Social anxiety often stems from a subconscious fear of people’s negative judgments, fear of rejection and/or fear of abandonment. It manifests as significant discomfort in and through the body, tons of negative thoughts and the urge to avoid or reduce unease. But, interestingly, no one can reject you without your consent. Shak... Read More
5 Ways to Stop Being a People Pleaser (and Not Feel Guilty!)
by Angie Kingma on April 1st, 2022
“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.” ― David RichoBeing a “people pleaser” is exhausting! I should know, because I find myself, from time to time, still falling back into being one too. It's challenging enough to keep up with our own needs, but when we try to meet the expectations of others, especially if we have lots of friends and acquaintances, it fee... Read More
5 Things to Think About Before Starting Therapy
by Angie Kingma on March 1st, 2022
Acknowledging that you want to start therapy can be a difficult step for many. A lot of people start thinking about therapy when they have quite a few things... Read More
5 Ways Gratitude Can Transform Your Life
by Angie Kingma on February 1st, 2022
One of the most powerful pleasant emotions is gratitude. Gratitude is the quality of being thankful, and it's essential to our human experience. Gratitude is appreciating what you have rather than valuing what you don't have. Irrespective of your circumstances, there are always things to be grateful for, even if they are “small”. Focusing on these things can not only change your mindset and outloo... Read More